Reading the Realness

Reading the Realness, is a cast reading performance. Performers are asked to read a transcript of a conversation between the presenters of US talk show 'The Real' and activist Rachel Dolezal. Dolezal come to public attention when she was “outed” for living as an African-American woman. During the 'The Real' interview, Dolezal is in discussion with the presenters who are all women of colour. Reading the Realness invites the performers to each read the script 3 times, each time taking on the part of a different character. The work seeks to open up the original text through repetition of its re-performance.

(Images 1-2 + Video) The Tetley, Leeds, UK, 2018. Performed as part of 'The Tetley Weekender: Experiments Workshop'

(Images 3-6 + Video) Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 2017. Performed as part of 'Work, Work, Work' with six students from Kingston University, London.